Hotel Toscana
Do not hesitate to contact us, at any time, by phone we will find for you the best last second solution.


Alassio is the ideal city for sport and the Toscana Hotel has an agreement with a beach which offers special rates for its guests where it's possible to do various water-sports such as water-skiing, water scooters, diving and wind-surfing etc., equipped also with an area reserved for the little ones with chutes, swings and Little Tikes games.

Trekking-Freeclimbing-Mountain bike
Alassio even though a sea-side town, also offers the possibility of an exciting holiday for those who like to be in contact with nature . In our countryside there's something for everyone, from trekking to rock-climbing, there are rocky mountain faces, paths , tracks, and roads of different difficulties. There are great mountain bike tracks where you can get to know and appreciate the natural beauty of Liguria.

Itineraries MTB

Cycling – Mountain Bike

For mountain bike fans there are many great itineraries on the hills. From easy tracks among beeches and pinewoods to steep climbing for the most adventurous. Several organized groups in the territory give specific information about excursions, paths and bikes to rent.