Tradition, aromas and the strong Tuscan character (land where the Mantellassi family originate from) blend well together with the marked personality of the Ligurian cuisine.
Every dish is prepared with particular care and passion by our chefs Armando and Daniele who will certainly surprise and delight you with their tasty dishes. Each one is always appetizing and light, created with first choice ingredients using local produce as well as from our farm in Maremma Tuscany, fresh in the various seasons and genuine.
For every good dish choose a good wine. We have a vast choice of wines, amongst which our own Tuscan wine excels in absolute.
(wines and the Mantellassi family's farm) - (Guarda alcune Ricette) - (Special Menu)
Our Chefs are continually up-dated and inspired by a few of the best chefs (one of which is the great Luca Strobino, chef of the famous Montecarlo Restaurant Louis XV), who periodically hold adjournment courses in our kitchen.
BREAKFAST: There's nothing better than a good nourishing breakfast to start the day! Every morning our American buffet breakfast offers you a vast choice of fruit juices, yoghurts, fruit, jams, honey, cereals, muesli, croissants, home baked cakes, eggs, bacon, toast, sliced meats and cheese...
LUNCH AND DINNER You can choose from the refined menu “à la carte”, or from the menu “of the day” which always offers dishes and specialities with a wide choice between 4 first courses, 5 second courses of meat and fish , 5 desserts (prepared by our master confectioner Chef), or you could choose the steam cooked dietetic dishes.
The Salad Buffet is always available, offering fresh, cooked and steamed vegetables as well as starters. Special gluten-free menu.
During the week we have “theme evenings”: candlelight dinner with typical Ligurian or Tuscan cuisine, even “colour menus” (according to the shade of the week, the dishes are made with ingredients of the same colour).
Restaurant “La Vecchia Maremma” with it's spacious dining area, is the perfect environment for ceremonies, banquets and business lunches.